Pumpkin’s Spices!
Hi Everyone! It’s me! Bug!
So it was a big week! There was Pumpkin… and then some day about eating a lot! Thanks Giving I think? I dunno who this Giving person is or why I need to thank them, but what a great Holiday! I got to go with my human to a big party with lots of people! There was sooooo much food. And so many people to give it to me under the table where my human couldn’t see! Shhhhh!!!!
I had lots of turkey and sweet potatoes. There was something called Brussels Sprouts, but they were yucky! I had stuffing too! It was different than the stuffing in my toys, though. Oooh.. what a great idea! They should make toys stuffed with the good stuffing! That way when I rip my toy apart, I can clean up myself! And my new all-time favorite… even better than donuts… Pumpkin Pie!!!!
But actually, the week was really about the other Pumpkin… Pumpkin the Dog! The morning after Thanks Giving, she started having her puppies! Oh my Gosh they’re so cute!! Ok, maybe not right when they came out because they were kind of gross and slimy… but after she cleaned them up… they’re so adorable!!!
I can’t wait until they’re old enough to play with!!! That will probably be a while, but I’ll be waiting! In the meantime, check out these pictures of Pumpkin’s Spices!
Nutmeg, Sesame, Rosemary, Chili, Pepper, Sage, & Basil
OK, that’s enough cuteness for now! I’ll let you know more about them when they get a little older!
See ya next time!