Petey Adopted!
Hey Everyone! I just want to let you all know that…
Thanks to everyone that shared the post. It was down to the wire! Miss Amy, one of the volunteers at the shelter, was meeting this super nice man named Dan who read my post and was so great. He had offered to pay for Petey to go into boarding for a whole month! But what’s even better than that? Another volunteer, Miss Deborah, had posted on Craigslist and a really nice family saw the plea and while Dan and Miss Amy had Petey in the yard, they came to the shelter and met Petey and it was a love connection!
Miss Amy sent my human these pictures so we could post them. The first one has Dan and Petey’s new family and the second one is the happy family!
So for everyone that was worried about Petey, worry no more! He’s in great hands with his new humans! And a super big thank you to Dan the Veteran for being so generous and having such an amazing heart!
Another happy ending!