The Moose is on the Loose!
Hi Everyone! It’s your girl, Bug! I have to tell you, I’m a little nervous. My human has told me that I have a new foster brother coming to stay here…. and he’s BIGGER THAN ME! I didn’t know that was possible!
Anyway, I want you to meet Moose!
Moose was found roaming the streets near the shelter which made them think that someone might have dumped him there. I guess sometimes there’s people that give up their dogs and they don’t want to pay the surrender fees.
Luckily, a nice family found him roaming around and brought him in. He might have been out there for some time because he’s pretty skinny, so we’re making sure he’s getting extra food to help him pack on a few pounds.
Here’s what we know about Moose so far… First off, this big boy wants to be your lap dog! He’d like nothing more to sit in your lap and hang out and watch his favorite movie. He has been extremely happy and friendly with all people. With other dogs, apparently he’s a bit selective.
So far, he seems to like the ladies. With other boys, he’s been pretty reactive, so he’s going to need some training. Because of that, it’s important that anyone that adopts him knows that he cannot he walked by anyone that can’t handle his size and weight. He could easily pull someone over if he were to suddenly start to run off.
While he has shown to be gentle with all people, we’re recommending no small children simply because of his size. He could easily knock a child over while playing in the yard or the house. We also think that Moose is housebroken, which is really good news because… well… look at the size of him!!!
Moose is certainly going to make a family super happy! Right now, he weighs 107lbs, but we expect him to level out somewhere between 125 and 150. His age is currently estimated to be between 4 and 5, but it’s also possible that he could be younger and just has not had proper dental cleanings from his previous family.
If you or anyone you know is interested in adopting Moose, send us a message here, drop us an email, or text or call and my human will be happy to tell you everything about Moose and what an awesome boy he is! I’ll be able to tell you more myself as soon as I meet him!!
I’m really looking forward to that. He’s a really handsome boy! 🐶😚